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Frame Drums

Frame Drums


These drums are a hybrid between different frame drum traditions.

They are inspired by the modern version of the Persian Daf, that is tunable by inflating air between the body and the skin, and by shamanic drums used by many old civilisation all over the world.

The skins used are mostly cow & goat, but time to time horse, buffalo or camel can also be available.


Sizes available:





These drums can be tuned in seconds and its tension can be modified according to weather conditions by inflating or deflating the air chamber of the drum with the pump included.


This allows you to use the drum in almost every weather condition, from very dry to high humid conditions.


All AWA instruments are built with great love and passion. We first care about the sound. Because in our philosophy perfecting that sound is what will guide us on our journey to higher vibrations.


Available on demand. Contact us



All prices in €


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AWA Warranty System

We value quality instruments and we value quality service. That said, we recognize that skin breakage is one area of concern for our customers. We've all heard the stories about someone tuning their djembe just right only to have the skin break on them. This is a common occurrence that we have come to accept as part of the deal when it comes to these instruments. Generally speaking if a skin is going to break premature it will happen in the first 3 months. To compensate for this risk, AWA offers the following warranty.


AWA Series Djembe :
If skin breakage occurs within...

  • 0-1 MONTHS: 100% Repair Coverage. Customer pays all ship costs.


Mamady Keita’s Sig Series  -Sidiki Dembele Sig Series :
If skin breakage occurs within...

  • THE 1st MONTH: 100% Repair Coverage. Customer pays all ship costs.

  • THE 2nd MONTH: 75% Repair Coverage. Customer pays all ship costs.

  • THE 3rd MONTH: 50% Repair Coverage. Customer pays all ship costs.

These time frames are based on the date the drum was shipped.

Please note that our warranty is not an open door to tune your djembe beyond its capacity. Please keep in mind that all AWA Series djembes begin tuned exceptional tight and therefore each diamond added makes a significant difference in tuning. Tuning should always be done at a slow rate so that the skin can ease into the tension and become more elastic. One final note...all skins eventually break. This is natural and to be expected.

Mamady Keita’s Sig Series & AWA Wrapped Djembes - Sidiki Dembele Sig Series :
We tune our drums for accompaniment, but can tune it for a solo drum if you prefer. However, tuning for a solo drum puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the skin and it is therefore void of our warranty. This includes any drum that has a rope wrap on it because those drums are tuned for solo before they are wrapped.

Case Warranty:
If stitching on any AWA Djembe case comes apart within 6 months, Djembe AWA will pay a cobbler in customer's home town to repair the case.

Skin Warranty:
Skins should be inspected before soaking & heading. Skins are a natural product and Djembe AWA cannot guarantee the life of an organic skin.

All of Djembe AWA's goat skins are natural and do not use any chemicals to treat the skins. Chemicals used to treat goat skins are generally highly toxic and it is our policy to avoid such chemicals on the skins as well as by humans using the skins.

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